Internship Programs
Green Works Africa partners with African NGOs in community development programs. We run multiple ranges of commercial and non-commercial initiatives. Programs are partnership initiatives with our sister NGO Art in Tanzania
Marketing and Management
Marketing and Management placement includes social media marketing, market research work, grant and bank funding applications and sales tasks for sustainable products in clean water and sanitation, Management duties include developing sales networks, educating the staff, and managing our social approach work in the village-level advocacy.
Village Health Programs
We Support village dispensaries and hospitals in tasks of Medical, Public Health, and Nursing. We also support pharmacological programs. We tailor your internship placement to your background and experience and the focus of your internship tasks. The typical day includes practical Fieldwork at the medical entities, advocacy work in the schools and communities and social media advocacy work during the afternoons.
Climate Change Effect on Socio-Economy in Africa
Some 75% of Tanzanian people live in rural areas, and their livelihood, based on agricultural income, will be harshly affected by climate change. The vulnerable groups as women, youth and people living with disabilities, are most affected. This program is a multi-professional student approach to evaluate present changes and future scenarios and to develop solution models.
Community Sports Programs
Our Community Sports Programs focus mainly on football coaching and community weekend exercise programs. In addition, the village youth teams consist of children coming from low-income families. We also assist the local schools in their sports curriculum implementation, highlighting girls' sports activities. Social media visibility is essential to advocate the sport and health approach to the public in common.
Corporate Social Responsibility
In Tanzania, the private citizen's social responsibility is poorly known, and the public in common does not know about climate change either. Corporate policies are not seriously including social responsibility issues. At the same time, Tanzania is one country where climate change strongly affects the agriculture-based economy. This program is to advocate for the schools and the public in common about social responsibility and to take the Tanzanian business community to help us deliver the school's message. We work with Tanzanian entities University of Dar es Salaam, Coca-Cola, NBC Bank, PVC, Airtel, etc.
Human Rights Advocacy
We advocate the rural villages about civil rights issues, including how to protect their rights in corrupt situations, Children and Women's Rights. This program is performed with our NGO partners. Your placement is to develop the advocacy programs and to perform Oeldwork in the schools and women's groups. An essential part of the work is cooperating with community-level NGOs, producing social media advocacy content, and developing digital media visibility platforms. Human Rights focus is also part of the Corporate Social Responsibility tasks.
Eco-Construction in Africa
Your placement includes construction and interior design materials using traditional African materials like bamboo, stones, mud and hey, among other natural materials. We use and develop solar power systems, composting dry toilets, and greywater mix of urine and shower water for household garden irrigation. We are a start-up to provide Solar based water purification systems for Tanzanian schools. We advocate for Tanzania people about sustainable living standards.
Village Education Support
We assist in Village Education programs. Interns and volunteers attend field assistance work in the nursery, primary and secondary schools. Afternoons we run adult vocational training at the student compound. Tanzanian education standard is inferior, and schools lack all essential facilitation as proper sanitation, clean water, power, and facilitation. Students can assist in empowering daily education tasks.
Village Women Support
Tanzania has a large group of young mothers in the villages with little or no education and without financial support. Most of these women lack the opportunity to reach education or the means to fund and develop small businesses. Additionally, many of these women are under-empowered or unaware of their fundamental human rights, thus making young mothers vulnerable to abuse. Green Works Africa focuses on delivering skills for women to start small businesses and create markets for their products. At the same time, we educate women's rights and related subjects so that women will learn their rights in problem situations. We focus on being both innovative and effective.
Film Production in Africa
Tanzania has a large group of young mothers in the villages with little or no education and without financial support. Most of these women lack the opportunity to reach education or the means to fund and develop small businesses. Additionally, many of these women are under-empowered or unaware of their fundamental human rights, thus making young mothers vulnerable to abuse. Green Works Africa focuses on delivering skills for women to start their own small businesses and create markets for their products. At the same time, we educate women's rights and related subjects so that women will learn their rights in problem situations. We focus on being both innovative and effective.
Social Media in Advocacy and Marketing
We perform social media visibility for marketing and our community work advocacy purposes. We also operate with partner NGOs, where our programs include the development of new digital advocacy platforms. With our partner NGOs, we have more than 50,000 followers on Facebook, being an adequate base to reach people in Tanzania. The tasks include film and photographing, editing and content production daily. In addition, you work with our Media Team, our staff, and other participating students.
Children Under School Age Support
The key focus of the CA program is as follows: To Invest in saving the Lives of Children and Women, Invest in Good Nutrition, Invest in Better Hygiene and Sanitation in Schools and Health Facilities, Invest in Early Childhood Development Invest in Quality Education for all Children, Invest in Make Schools Safe, Invest in Protect Infants and Adolescent Girls from HIV, Invest to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy, Invest to Protect Children from Violence, Abuse, and Exploitation and Invest in Children with Disabilities. Practical field placements are in orphanages and nursery schools.
Environmental Advocacy
Advocating environmental issues in the school and communities as well as in social media. We tailor the tasks as per the participants studies and previous experience on environmental issues. Green Works Africa is introducing and implementing environmentally friendly solutions for Tanzanian communities. These solutions include dry toilets, composting and household water reuse, and solar water purification systems. We also emphasise sustainable tourism operations.
Disaster Management
Tanzanian public knowledge of Disaster management is poor. People and their properties are affected by floods, earthquakes, landslides, diseases like malaria, cholera, hunger, poverty, desert, global warming due to climate change, and industrial incidents from poor health and safety in the workplace. We mitigate the early stage to the last set of disaster management, such as mitigation, preparedness, response, and prevention at schools and public shares, with the help of various governmental and non-governmental institutions.
Community Psychology
The community physiotherapy program empowers the physiotherapy services for the local communities. At the village level, the local dispensaries allocate the ongoing needs of their patients. Clinical-based physiotherapy is then taking place in larger hospitals. We assist the physical therapy practices in the Tanzanian Youth Football Academy and the leading football clubs in the Dar es Salaam Region. We monitor your work with a weekly plan and report system to secure you proceed well in your study program. The internship outcome is to learn to use your studies and experience to work in developing country conditions.
Film Production
Get hands-on experience through international film production, television, and documentary filmmaking opportunities! Art in Tanzania accepts applications for ongoing work in local television and movie productions, international documentaries, and music videos.We need skilled interns and product managers to work in Film Production. The work includes: • Scriptwriting • Directing • Cinematography We are looking for the following: • Production Assistance • Lighting personnel • Sound personnel • Editing personnel • Social media professionals • Makeup personnel and other essential film staff
Benefits and Perks
International travel is a personal cost
A Tanzanian VISA is a personal cost. Please get in touch with us for the arrangement.
Accommodation and meals are personal costs; please get in touch with us for options.
We pay you USD 100 per month, about 2x Tanzania’s National minimum wage.
Low-cost student safari and tour programs are available.
Local program’s transport costs are small, and if any, they are personal expenses.